


Kin Yan Lau


在整個申請加拿大學簽的過程中 Breaktime 的 Diana 給了我很多寶貴的意見。她回覆迅速,耐心解答問題,盡力為我提供所需資料。她提供的專業意見免卻了我很多憂慮及煩惱。

C.W. Chan


最初想了解到加拿大升學的資料,經好朋友的介紹,接觸到 Breaktime Diana Chan。記得第一次與她接觸便感受到很體貼及窩心的服務,同時在申請過程,與及跟進方面都被一步一步的鼓勵、提醒及指導,令到我申請結果非常的成功及快捷,相信這是她的專業態度及成功經驗豐富的成果,所以令到我們申請人很安心及開心。在此衷心感謝Breaktime的團隊用心幫忙和細心貼心的服務,誠意推薦Breaktime給大家,祝福大家,一切順利!

Ivy So


Breaktime 是我人生生涯中所接觸很多的公司中服務最好的頭三甲之內、他們的專業及細心令我十分滿意。

兩年半不是一個短時間、由我開始申請學簽至獲批核、經歴了不少挫敗及困難、上星期當我正式收到通知我的學簽成功獲批核的時候、我真是喜極而泣、並十分感謝 Breaktime 團隊的協助、特別感謝Diana 的由開始到現在的專業及貼心跟進。

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因為疫情延誤、加上申請曾被拒絕、整個申請過程帶着很多疑慮、困惑、擔心及失望、內心的煎熬實在難以用筆墨形容。 我是一個生意人、做事都會準備充足、去年我有好幾個朋友、成功申請簽證到加拿大並已展開新的生活、在他們介紹之下我也毫無懸念用了他們介紹的移民顧問幫我申請學簽。其實這位移民顧問也不過不失、但可惜沒有針對性地處理我的背景及沒有選取最可行的方法、而且效率一般。


就在我極度灰心的時候、我有一位要好朋友極力推薦了 Breaktime Diana Chan 給我認識。初時我都只是本着懷疑的心態。但當我第一次與她接觸的時候、她花了很長時間、並細心傾聽、了解及記錄我的情況、並能即時提出針對性及解決方案。經過細心思量後、最後我們選擇了 Breaktime 的服務。

Breaktime 的指示十分清晰、Diana 十分有耐性、並細心跟進大小事項、在無間斷的溝通、充分展現出他們團隊合作的專業精神。 等候的過程非常難捱、度日如年、在我每次透露十分擔心簽證再被拒絕的時候。Diana不斷鼓勵我要耐心等候、並要如常工作及生活、靜待好消息的出現。

再次申請並等待三星期後、我們迎來了人生其中一個最好嘅消息、學簽成功批核了! 成功批核簽證後、原來他們跟進並未完結、他們還不斷提醒我們要的注意事項及作出很多溫馨提示、讓我們能有充分的準備到加拿大生活。包括入境時所需文件、各様要求及要點、無一不詳盡的提醒我們。

Breaktime 的專業及細心令我十分滿意。若有機會、我必定會推薦 Breaktime 給我所有想申請移民到加拿大的朋友。 再次感謝Breaktime 盡心、盡力的協助幫忙、在比祝福他們的業務能繼續蒸蒸日上。百尺竿頭、更進一步!並幫助更多有需要移民加拿大,或辦理各種前往加拿大所需的簽證的朋友成功追尋到他們的夢想。

Kenny Tong


I came to Canada with my husband and two sons thanks to the help and advice of Breaktime Immigration and Education Consulting.  Santiago, his Director, was recommended to me by my client, who also came to Canada through Santiago´s company.

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Santiago helped me with the somehow complicated process of registering and getting accepted in my professional program at Douglas College in Vancouver.  Initially I also needed to improve a bit my English, to take it to an advanced level, and Breaktime helped me choosing an online English school, that allowed me to register in my current college.  I am studying Early Childhood Education in Douglas College, in Vancouver.

The process was smooth, both for registering in my educational programs and, most importantly, for our family application for Study and Work Permits.  Santiago took care of all the process.

Finally, we successfully arrived in Canada!  Currently, my husband is working in his professional field, as a Chef in a well-known restaurant, my kids are well adapted in their school and I love my field of study and life in Canada.

Thanks to Santiago Endara and Diana Chan for their assistance!

Ruth Cordero and family


I contacted Santiago Endara from Breaktime, through a recommendation of a friend, because I wanted to send my two older sons to study Carpentry in Canada.  Santiago helped me in finding the right professional program and school and later he helped us get my sons´ Study Permits.

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Later, my wife, younger son and I came as well to Canada, so I could continue my studies, doing a Post Graduate program in Business.  My wife has a Work Permit and my younger son is also studying at college. 

Throughout all these processes, I always had the support and guidance from Santiago Endara.  I have recommended him to friends and family, always with good results. 

Hugo Pazos and family


I studied Chemical Engineering in Mexico, but my real interest and love was always theatre and acting. 

 At one point in my life, my husband and I decided that it was time for me to fulfill my dream of studying acting. 

A teacher recommended us to contact Santiago Endara, from Breaktime and it was a fantastic decision.  Santiago helped us in finding the right Educational Program that enabled my husband and I to come to Canada and be able to Study and Work.

When people ask me if I know someone that can help them come to Canada, I guide them to Santiago and Breaktime.  I know they are honest, competent and serious.

Rosela Montaño and Daniel Hurtado


My husband and I wanted to come to study in Canada, both to upgrade our education and also to have a valuable international experience abroad. 

My educational agency recommended us to contact Santiago Endara, from Breaktime, as he is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant and he could help us with our visas. 

Although the times in which we applied were challenging, due to many changes in Canadian Immigration Laws, with the help of Santiago we got our Study and Work Permits and we are now enjoying our life in Canada.

Andrea Montejo and José Alejandro Castañeda


I contacted Santiago Endara and Diana Chan,, from Breaktime Immigration Consulting on the recommendation of a friend, and I processed with him the entire issue related to study permits for me and my children, as well as the work permit for my partner.  I am going to study an MBA in Canada.

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From the beginning, Santiago guided me on how to prepare my documents to request permits for my entire family.  The help was useful, since sometimes one does not know the correct way to collect the documents required by the embassy, ​​or how to make sure that all the immigration forms are well filled out and without errors that could cause the visa to be denied.

Santiago uploaded our documents and gave us the news of how our application was going, from the appointment for the biometrics, to the appointment for the medical exams, until finally receiving our passports with the visas for each of us.

Service was attentive and timely, and we always felt like we could contact Breaktime with any kind of question.

Amanda Jarrin and Family


I contacted Santiago Endara, from Breaktime Immigration and Education Consulting, by reference from the college where I am studying, in Whistler, Canada.  I am studying a Mountain Guide diploma with Work Experience at Whistler Adventure School, thanks to the advice of Breaktime.

From the beginning, Santiago gave me all the information, very well organized, so that I could apply for my study and work permit for Canada.  We sent the application with all of Breaktime’s recommendations, and my study permit was approved in just one week.

I definitely recommend contacting Breaktime if you want your permits and all immigration procedures to go smoothly.

Juan Pablo Malo Michel


Santiago Endara, Director of Breaktime Immigration Consulting helped me successfully obtain my study and work permit. My case was a bit complex since my previous immigration consultants could not help me and I was losing hope of being able to study and work in Canada.

 Santiago coordinated everything with me, with my educational institution and explained my case to the Canadian Immigration Department. In just two weeks we got a positive response and now I am continuing with my studies, working and looking forward to my future application for Permanent Residency, which I also hope to do with the advice of Breaktime.

Andrés Ortinez


When I arrived to study in Canada, I did not realize that my passport was about to expire and my study and work permits were not long enough to finish my studies in Canada.

I contacted Breaktime Immigration Consulting and they helped me with the whole process very clearly. What at first seemed like a difficult problem to solve was explained to me very well by Santiago and he handled my application for an extension. After a few weeks we had a positive response from the government! Now I am enjoying my Study and Work program in Canada and I recommend contacting Santiago.

Ximena Daga Vázquez


My husband got a job in Canada and traveled first to settle. After a few months, with him already established, my daughter and I applied for a work-study visa to join my husband, but we were not well advised the first time and the visas were not approved.

A close relative gave us the contact information for Santiago Endara from Breaktime Immigration and with his help, in less than a week we collected all the necessary documents for a second application. Santiago did everything in a very transparent way with us through a videoconference.

Within a few weeks we received the excellent news that my work visa and my daughter’s study visa were approved and now we are together in Canada with my husband and enjoying this country as a family.

María Paz Cano and Paul González


Last year I came to Canada and I really liked this country. I made the decision to return this year to do another work-study program, but I don’t think I understood the visa process well and my application was denied.

From the College where I am studying, they recommended me to contact Santiago Endara and he has helped me efficiently and accurately. In a few days he has explained to me how to organize all my documents and the permits have been approved in less than a week.

Kishan Jane Duch


Breaktime have been a huge help from the moment I started planning my studies in Canada, to receiving my permanent residence.

They helped make my application process effortless and provided me with any information I needed as I started to get settled in Vancouver. They kept in touch and were available to counsel me about future studies or work in the city as I started my journey towards PR.

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After finishing my co-op program, their knowledge and support helped guide me through the final steps of securing my future in Canada.

Starting a life in a new country can be stressful, but having Breaktime at my back, I always felt I had a resource to reach out to.

Juan José Valencia F.


Deciding to work with the Breaktime team and in particular with Diana Chan and Santiago Endara to support me on my Canadian citizenship application was a great decision!

Applying for my Canadian citizenship is a very important moment in my life and being assisted with the professional support from Breaktime made me feel comfortable and confident during the whole process.

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Working alongside Diana Chan and Santiago Endara made the application process smooth. They were very clear and organized and assisted with attention and care whenever I had questions. I look forward to receiving my citizenship and celebrating the wonderful news with the Breaktime team!”

Marcela Trejo H.


I was in Vancouver in 2016 with a Working Holiday Visa and decided to stay in this city to continue my studies and to work. I contacted Santiago Endara, Director of Breaktime, on the recommendation of a friend because I needed help to find a college and to obtain my study and work permits.

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For reasons beyond my control, I had to return to Chile, but I always had the project of returning to Canada. My idea was to come in 2020 but with the pandemic I had to postpone my arrival for two years. Santiago always helped me with rescheduling courses at my College and eventually helped me get my study and work permits.

After finishing my College, I’m planning to apply for Permanent Residence and I will definitely do it with the support of Breaktime. 

Bárbara Torres M.


Contacting Breaktime Immigration and Education Consulting was a great decision.  The Director of Breaktime, Santiago Endara, helped me choose a Study and Work Program in Canada, which is the best first step to come to this country.  After some months, I decided that I wanted to continue my education in Canada through an MBA, with the goal of applying for Permanent Residence.

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Breaktime (Santiago Endara and Diana Chan) helped me with obtaining my study and work permit and they are guiding me into the Permanent Residence Process.  I have recommended Breaktime to all my friends who are interested in coming to Canada.

Juan Pablo Vargas


Some time ago we wanted to live the experience of studying and working in Canada, but we didn´t know how to start the process.  A friend of ours introduced us to Breaktime immigration Consulting and they told us that Santiago Endara and Diana Chan could help us not only with the selection of the best Education Program in Canada, but also with our study and Work Permits.

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Breaktime helped us during the whole process, and we received accurate and friendly information about how to come to Canada.  Our Study Permits and Work Permits are approved and now we are enjoying this exciting new life experience in Canada.

Totally recommendable!

Fernanda Díaz F. & Santiago Romero


Since our dream of going to the wonderful country called Canada began, like you, we had many doubts. What is the best college? Which career I want to study, where can I find it? What documents do I need to enroll? among many other questions.
It was there that we found the perfect advisor at Breaktime to help us answer these and a thousand other questions, offering advice and support at all times.

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Something unusual that happened in our process was when we began to study English remotely due to Covid. I took the University Pathway program and my husband the IELTS preparation course. In this situation, many of the policies that the institutes had established in terms of reimbursement concepts, became obsolete due to the regulations generated during the pandemic. It was here that having Breaktime made the difference, since it represented us in our dispute for money with the institute, advised us at all times and was the one who reconciled looking for a satisfactory solution for all parties. This would not have been possible if Santiago Endara (Breaktime manager and now friend) and his excellent relationships with representatives of Canadian colleges and language institutes had been advising and supporting us in our process.
I hope that my testimony can help many people to make this important decision to find a strategic ally in the construction of the dream that many of us share of arriving in Canada as an international student, because in Breaktime you will find the best service, support and advice to make this dream come true.

Paola Vela & Jorge Fandiño


The way to make your dreams come true is not always easy, and there will be always ups and downs. Starting a new whole life from scratch in another country is not easy, but it will be always worth if you get a friendly support and advice. And that’s precisely what Break Time became to me. They are always right next to you to help you out with everything you need during your process of becoming an international student in Canada.

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From the beginning to the end, you can count on them. Their guidance to choose the best school that goes with your studies background, budget or your needs is outstanding. If you want to come to live in Canada, most of the times the best way will be as a student, and I will definitely recommend you Break Time, I am pretty sure they will work with you and help you to choose the best option for your future and life.

Ingrid Murillo


My name is Rolando López and I am 20 years old, I am currently studying an “Associate of Science in Biology” in the city of Vancouver, Canada. Thanks to the help of Breaktime I was able to contact the colleges that interested me and they accompanied me throughout the registration process and necessary paperwork to apply to different colleges. It was a great relief to have the help of the entire Breaktime team as it can be a tiring process, sometimes complicated, but above all overwhelming, it is an important decision after all.

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With the help of Breaktime, it was a simple process, we determined which universities and / or colleges interested me, we made contact with them through Santiago Endara, and the enrollment process began in each institution. When I was accepted into the College of my interest, Breaktime asked me to provide some documents to finish the enrollment process and I started my course.
My family and I are very grateful to Breaktime for offering us so much help and support.

Rolando López


Thanks to Breaktime and his Director, Santiago Endara, I achieved a dream that I had had a long time: to come to Canada. It is an incredible and beautiful country, with kind and helpful people, just like Breaktime. During the application process, I had the professional advice of Santiago and his team at all times. With kindness, patience and experience, I achieved the approval of my visa and here I am!

David Gaitán


My name is Alejandra Sordia, and I am currently studying a professional program in Vancouver, Canada. 

I came from Mexico as a visitor to study English.  When I arrived in Vancouver, I really liked the city and I decided to stay longer and to study a professional program, but to do so, I needed a Study Permit.

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I contacted Breaktime Immigration Consulting (Santiago Endara and Diana Chan) and I received friendly and accurate advice on how to get my Study and Work permits.  Breaktime helped me filling all the Government forms, they informed me about all the necessary documents to add to my application and they gave me advice on how to maximize my chances to get my Study and Work Permit approved.

Shortly after submitting my application, I received my approved Study and Work Permit and now I am fulfilling my dreams of studying and working legally in Canada. 

Thanks for all the support!

Alejandra Sordia


From the first time I contacted Breaktime – Canada, its director Santiago Endara was very kind and clear about the programs available to study and work in Canada through a Co-Op Diploma. After exploring the various options, I was convinced that Breaktime was the best option. They helped me with all the necessary paperwork to get my study / work permit quickly.

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The best thing was that from the first day I obtained my permit, I immediately had the option to start working. During the pandemic, Breaktime and my college were there to give us their full support. It is worth mentioning that, once I finished my studies, the same College, through the Co-Op advisors, helped me find a very attractive job offer where I could also develop the knowledge I learned in my studies and that to this day is still my place of work.
I highly recommend Breaktime – Canada to anyone interested in living (studying and working) in Canada legally and safely. It was a true honor to start my professional life in Canada with the full support and kind attention of Santiago Endara, director of Breaktime – Canada.

Esteban Ponce